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Contrarian Thinking: 4 Rules to Help Maintain an Endless Learning Mindset
As a startup founder or employee, it is important to be a skeptic in regards to the information you hear, watch, and read. All too often,...

3 Questions Every Startup Member Should be Mindful of
If you are reading this article, you most likely consider yourself to be a high performer. You are up to date on the latest news in your...

Expertise-on-Demand - 7 Steps to Hacking the 10,000 Hours of Deliberate Practice Rule
Becoming an expert, or at a minimum very competent, in many skills for an entrepreneur is very important. In the beginning of a startup’s...
Startup Feedback should be Casual and Constant - 4 Point Checklist
Answer was in response to a question on Quora. "Are people in startup more casually critical compared to big corporations?" Well, I think...

Stop Work Life Balance and Try This
In today’s highly connected word the idea of “Work Life Balance” is dead...
Your Perception of Reality is Your Reality
It’s amazing how strongly your mindset can affect your perception of a situation or event. One man could see an event as a disaster and...
Build Strength for the Hard Times
It’s January and on the east cost of the United States we are seeing temperatures below 10F (-12C) degrees. In the news we hear locally...

Deep Learning: Get Ahead by Taking Calculated Risks
It's common knowledge that people learn by doing. Aristotle was quoted saying, “for the things we have to learn before we can do them, we...
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